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RESULTS  = 99% DIET  1% GYM?

You don’t need to work out every day to transform your body. Sure, it helps exercising regularly but if your food intake isn’t in tune with your goals you may be putting yourself through hell in the gym for nothing. All you need to do is submit the information and we will do the rest.

Transform your body with numbers...

Okay so your ready to do this, it's time to work out how much food you should be eating and also look into what kinds of food are best for you and your goals.

Lose Fat or Make Lean Gains

By monitoring and managing the total volume of calories you consume and manipulating the types of food you eat at a macro-nutrient level (Protein/Carbs/Fats) you can enjoy the foods you like and still achieve massive results when it comes to fat loss or muscle gain.

Ps. You can even squeeze alcohol in there and factor that in!

Let's get started!

While you're waiting for your custom calculation why not Sign Up to 'MyFitnessPal' and start tracking what you've eaten today or the past week? Once you are familiar with the app and you receive the information you will be able to input target values into your profile and you are on your way to body composition success!

Download the app: MyFitnessPal

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