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Roots to Results


This was my 4th Born Survivor event. The first time I did one was Spring 2015 I was quite nervous, it was in the Lake District so rather hilly and cold. I hadn’t done any obstacle events or even running races at this point. I joined the RM FITNESS WIGAN team while I was having 12 Weeks personal training there, being part of their team and having accountability to a personal trainer (Sam Dimmick) was a truly life changing experience in it's self. Roll this forward two years and I’ve not had a personal training session since and I've only ever improved from that time.

To hear Sam & Russ Meadows (RM) cheer me on and congratulate me coming 2nd at the finish line of the Elite Squadron race with their heard of 60+ current clients was F**king awesome!

Since this first event I have really pushed my training to new levels and also helped others to organising outdoor boot camps and created my own team; BUCK’S ARMY. I have seen so many of my mates and friends of friends overcome their fears and change their lifestyle while training for these events. Also each time I have challenged myself to prove I am willing to put myself out of my comfort zone.

Later that year I completed the Manchester event in a 14kg weight vest with my BUCK’S ARMY team of 24. It was very tough and at times I wanted to rip the vest off and give up but I stayed positive and kept going regardless of the pain; once we crossed the finish line felt exhausted yet incredible.

In April 2016 I had an even bigger team and moved up to an 18kg weight vest and challenged my friend Neil to use the 14kg vest. This was a huge test for him (aged 38) as he had never really exercised since PE at school!

We trained early mornings in the park rain or shine and I made him attend a tough circuit class with me at Wrightington Gym taken by the manager Paddy who is ex-military – this is a brutal conditioning class designed to test your physical and mental boundaries.

Let me just tell you both these vests are game changers even just for running in, never mind climbing over walls, paddling through rivers and scrambling through confined spaces. But after around 6 months intense training with me Neil was ready!

We all got round the course together and I was made up that me and Neil had achieved something that truly tested our boundaries - But what next???

This year at Manchester they opened an Elite Squadron race so me and my pal Chris signed up with all the nutters, the plan was to run this as best as we could and then do a second lap with the team,

I ended up coming second in the race which I did not expect. The double lap in its self was enough as this time the team wasn’t as big but it was bl**dy strong, trust me there are some very fit lads here.

Finishing about 500m behind the winner. I was in some dark places during this race but I had another fit guy who I train with by my side most of the way he ended up coming third. Hardest thing we have both done to date.

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