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Ironman and beyond

So, after completing Ironman on Sunday, the first challenge I have ever felt genuinely nervous about; here's what I have to say...

If you followed my journey on Instagram, you’ll have witnessed how serious I took this. After completing my first ever triathlon last year (Chesire Sprint - Spring 2017) the thought of a 2.4-mile open water swim, 112-mile ride followed by a 26.2-mile marathon was still mindboggling.

With past obstacle events and running races I pretty much just turned up and got stuck in using my present ‘keep fit’ gains. With this one, I changed my entire routine and training regime to suit the three disciplines as I wanted to complete this monster triathlon in reasonable time and not let it totally break me or destroy my outlook on ‘fitness’ and ruin my years of progress.

Although it appears like I don’t rest at all, I do understand the importance of recovery, balance and long-term Health & Wellness… it’s something I’m continually striving for; despite the crazy stuff most people see on the surface.

Yes, it took extreme courage to sign-up. but once I had made the decision and paid the 500 quid plus shared it on social media, I was committed!

As the weeks went by the more publicly and financially invested I became.

[Have you seen the price of triathlon gear!?]

Despite never tracking a single calorie or macro during the prep, I manipulated my diet intuitively to alter my body composition; striping excess fat and shifting unnecessary muscle while pursuing peak levels of aerobic capacity and maximising my power to strength ratio.

From superfood salads to stuffed crust pizzas my ‘nutrition’ was all FUEL & HYDRATION and converting food energy into aerobic efficiency!

If you know me, you’ll know my lifestyle was rather hectic before this endeavour and I’m always one to push my physical and mental boundaries – however, I have to say it’s been a mental 3 months and I am glad it’s calmed down [for now].

After completing the race in just under 11 hours 20 minutes, I walked away feeling 'reasonably' fine, of course this would not have been possible without several years of 'gym life' which seems to have built up to this pinnacle point in my fitness journey. Not to mention the support and encouragement from friends, family and my Buck’s Army following…

[Don’t worry though, I am far from done yet]

So, amongst all the early starts, late nights, solo rides, tough swims, fitness tests, equipment buying, workout plans, recovery protocols, injuries, physio sessions, sports nutrition etc. etc. there was more going on in the background?

During this crazy training program I successfully managed to cut alcohol out of my life; something that has been holding me back since early teens! We all love and deserve a drink (or four) but cutting out booze for this lengthy period was not about the excess 'empty calories' like it would be for weight loss. This dry spell was my chance to cut ties and switch the relationship I have with liquor for good.

I’m not saying I will never enjoy a tipple again and during the early stages I did indulge on a few social occasions (after the Rat Race obstacle event and again on a stag-do in May) However I can proudly say I can control my ‘thirst’ and I could live without it as these final 2 months have been completely alcohol free - I even had 0% beer after completing the Ironman!

As a result, during this transfomational voyage I have had the positive mindset, drive and focus to pursue other avenues in my career from extending my education through self-development and fitness qualifications to setting up an online business and creating forward vision for my future.

Thinks aren’t 100% clear where I'm heading yet but I'm feeling awesome about it already!

Thanks for reading,

James Buck



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